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- 9433171841/ (033) 2437 0008
About ITMI
Desire and requirement inspire us to found a complete educational institute and we have earned ability to develop a student from the very beginning of his/her life. Apart from general teaching (from class v to Post Graduate), we give quality training. Besides, we have famous faculty to supply GKs, Current affairs, and to solve Maths to make them the fittest for the various competitive exams ( WBCS, PSC, MSC, Bank, Rail, School etc.). In addition to their General coaching, ITMI is a Complete shed where a student will get real education, quality guide & Training. He/She is developed with modest behaviour, polite throwing, soft skill, communicative skill (i. e. Spoken English), stylist personality, careful guidance for appearing exams under Bengal and Central Govt. We arrange Cultural program, sports for the Students. They are encouraged to participate in the programme. They are also awarded with prizes and given certificate on performance they hold in the competition to inspire them to take more part in the study more attentively and of course for body - building and mental development and really to build in them courage to face any challenge.